First name
Last name
1 100.00 687.8252 Lars Hagemann Production- S DNK GM hagemann Nordic shooting Academy
2 97.20 668.5413 Claus Stahnke Open+ S DNK U bengunn SSIN
3 92.71 637.6657 Simon Larsen Open- - DNK U BVS
4 92.33 635.0771 Søren Larsen Production- S DNK U wessel SSIN
5 89.81 617.7198 Selcuk Kahraman Production- - DNK U selo Ssin
6 89.01 612.2063 Christian D. Jensen Production- S DNK M stagebum Copenhagen Practical Shooters
7 88.94 611.7236 Jan Bodé Standard- S DNK U jan63 SSIN
8 88.16 606.4157 Torben G. Skjoldborg Standard- - DNK U tgs SSIN
9 86.93 597.9430 Anders Urban Production- - DNK U urbanlegend SAS
10 84.56 581.5998 Emil Thorup Production- - DNK U emil CPS
11 84.24 579.4569 Ulrik Saxhøj Production- - DNK U jafro Slagelse
12 84.12 578.5968 Morten Andersen Production- - DNK U SSIN
13 82.84 569.7669 Pavel Ibenforth Production- - DNK U SSIN
14 79.41 546.2280 Frank Pantung Hariken Production- - DNK U ta2gi CPS
15 77.65 534.1242 Finn Langkjær Standard- - DNK U langkjaer Lunde Skytteforening
16 74.73 514.0346 Tejs Berthelsen Standard- - DNK U bob CPS
17 73.80 507.5828 Ronnie Johansen Production- S DNK U SAS
18 72.87 501.2442 Khaled Abdulkarim Open- - DNK U SSIN
19 69.82 480.2733 Jan Hoyer Open- - DNK U hoyer CPS
20 69.74 479.7159 Dennis Martlev Production- S DNK U smartlev Copenhagen Practical Shooters
21 69.15 475.6206 Danny Hansen Production- - DNK U VSF
22 68.16 468.7963 Niclas Wassermann Hansen Production- - DNK U Taastrup skytteklub
23 67.86 466.7266 Martin Jepsen Production- - DNK U CPS
24 67.37 463.3927 Aleksandar Duracov Open+ - DNK U Ssin
25 67.30 462.9258 Kim Wiencken Standard- - DNK U ventureshooter SSIN
26 63.90 439.5011 Ivan Nielsen Standard- - DNK U svigo SSIN
27 63.54 437.0131 Mohammed Jafer Production- - DNK U bilo CPS
28 61.45 422.6826 Jørgen Rigtrup Revolver- S DNK U rigtrup BVS/CPS
29 58.89 405.0944 Søren Tranberg Nielsen Production- - DNK U Copenhagen Practical Shooters
30 58.52 402.5074 Arni Kjartansson Production- - DNK U Krudtuglen
31 58.39 401.6248 Dan Bang Reuter Production- S DNK U Copenhagen practical shooters
32 58.06 399.3512 Kenneth Petersen Standard- - DNK U kenneth CPS
33 55.79 383.7189 Claus Sander Standard- - DNK U BVS
34 55.77 383.5743 Christian Lorentzen Production- - DNK U CPS
35 54.76 376.6483 Kasper Serritzlew Production- - DNK U HSI & CPS
36 54.29 373.4177 Jane Thillerup Standard- - DNK U BVS
37 54.05 371.7812 Kenneth Kleist Production- - DNK U SAS
38 53.78 369.9122 Ole Rongsted Standard- S DNK U BVS
39 53.71 369.4474 Mark Weisinger Classic- S DNK U mark1 CPS
40 53.67 369.1724 Michael Løgstrup Standard- - DNK U
41 53.56 368.4003 Coskun Aktas Standard- - DNK U thino CPS
42 48.41 332.9493 kim Frederiksen Production- S DNK U HSI & CPS
43 43.44 298.7866 Steen Bagger Production- - DNK U Hørsholm Pistolforening /SSIN
44 40.37 277.7000 Goran Radosavljevic Classic- S DNK U mariabonita SSF-1910
45 39.28 270.1785 Blagoja Ivkovic Production- S DNK U
46 36.51 251.1459 Casper Burchardt Production- - DNK U SLGI
47 25.39 174.6176 Mads Schmidt Production- - DNK U mms Copenhagen Practical Shooters
48 15.57 107.1111 Izabela Duracova Standard- J DNK U Ballerup
49 10.44 71.8011 Henriette Damsø Production- L DNK U CPS
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