First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1120.3869 Lars Syversen Standard+ - NOR U iceman67 HPS
2 98.77 1106.5723 Richard Solberg Open+ - NOR U carburetti MPK
3 98.57 1104.3885 Frans Ringnes Aubert Standard+ - NOR U infinity OKTS
4 95.23 1066.8954 Per A Hansen Standard+ - NOR U perbh TFS
5 95.22 1066.8296 Odd Strengenes Production- - NOR U oddman HPS
6 94.03 1053.5154 Frede Stenslie Standard+ - NOR U remrand HPS
7 93.78 1050.7157 Thomas Nordvi Production- - NOR M tnor LOP
8 91.22 1022.0089 Jostein Berntsen Open+ - NOR U dartvidar MPK
9 89.98 1008.0748 Torgeir Rui Open+ - NOR U slemmo OFS
10 89.86 1006.8007 Even Skaarer Classic- - NOR U NOP
11 88.52 991.8161 Eddie Rundgren Open+ - NOR B festus1911 KPK
12 88.38 990.1902 Johnny Reyes Open+ S NOR B raptor Oslo Feltskyttere
13 87.50 980.3350 Espen S Fiskebeck Production- - NOR U esp1 NOP
14 83.37 934.0162 Hans Petter Lie Classic- - NOR U trailertrash1 BPK
15 82.83 928.0148 Rino olsen Classic- - NOR U rinos MPK
16 82.46 923.9158 Christoffer Erichsen Standard+ - NOR U che VVS
17 81.81 916.5650 Øivind Johnsen Open+ S NOR U ojoh MPK
18 80.24 899.0026 gunnar roos Open+ SS NOR U thegunner MPK
19 79.69 892.8703 Joakim Lied Haga Production- - NOR B bambibabe NOP
20 79.20 887.3996 Lars Aker Production- - NOR U aker MPK
21 77.95 873.2974 Bjørn-Erik Alexandersen Production- - NOR U pewpew OKTS
22 77.32 866.2505 Dag Flodin Open+ S NOR B orion VSS
23 76.14 853.0414 Frank Gulli Classic- - NOR U fgulli HPS
24 75.87 850.0041 Johanne Aspaas Open+ - NOR U johanne OKTS
25 75.17 842.2059 Tor Erik Mikalsen Production- - NOR B torsa MPK
26 74.68 836.7477 Ronny Røise Classic- - NOR U bigwolf HPS
27 74.60 835.8225 Jens Berentzen Standard+ - NOR B berentz NOP
28 73.92 828.1726 Folke Myrvang Production- S NOR A folkem NOP
29 71.49 800.9730 Ole Christian Rynning Open+ - NOR U ocr OKTS
30 71.40 799.9839 Petter Qvigstad Standard- - NOR U pquick HPS
31 70.94 794.7936 Kjetil Sletsjøe Svendsen Standard+ - NOR U mcready OKTS
32 70.75 792.6365 Lars Elden Production- - NOR U larseld NOP
33 70.04 784.7675 Tomas Huseby Standard- - NOR C stiboy ASK
34 69.52 778.8866 Dag Erland Sørby Production- - NOR U des OKTS
35 69.28 776.1772 Roy Thorud Production- S NOR U royth NOP
36 68.51 767.6079 Aksel Gresvig Production- - NOR U agresvig NOP
37 68.38 766.0992 Jon Szulist Open+ - NOR U jonsz MPK
38 67.42 755.3637 Rune Westerby Open+ - NOR U ekin VSS
39 67.40 755.0852 Tony Østreng Tsigakis Classic- S NOR U tot1 KSS
40 67.33 754.3329 Erlend Berg Production- S NOR U erl1 TFS
41 66.69 747.1516 Bjørn Lindblad Production- S NOR B beteel MPK
42 66.37 743.6192 Terje Andersen Production- - NOR B triggerterje LOP
43 66.27 742.4892 Per Jostein Backe Production- - NOR U pjb VSS
44 65.53 734.1515 Rune Wilhelmsen Classic- - NOR U ricwilh Lågen Sportsskyttere
45 65.51 733.9845 Christian Borchgrevink Production- - NOR U TOP-DSS
46 65.38 732.4924 Anders Røine Open- - NOR U andersr OKTS
47 65.35 732.1609 Jan Fredrik Berggrav Production- - NOR U jaffanor SSL
48 64.91 727.2406 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- - NOR A joakimgr BPK
49 64.46 722.1555 Kim-André Berntzen Classic- - NOR U smulte RPK
50 64.08 717.9709 Terje Vernly Open+ - NOR C tvernly MPK
51 63.91 716.0776 Stephan Schwarzer Standard+ - NOR U gollum Gjøvik Pistolklubb
52 62.72 702.7415 tom solberg Classic- S NOR B tomen bpk
53 62.34 698.4695 Jan Stian Fiskerstrand Production- - NOR U indijan NOP
54 62.26 697.5053 Kjell Idar Logan Production- - NOR U perulv MPK
55 62.23 697.2245 Per Arild Gulichsen Production- - NOR U råde Pistollag
56 60.93 682.7004 Knut Harald Graven Production- - NOR C plaff OKTS
57 59.88 670.9073 Vidar Aslaksen Production- - NOR U vas NOP
58 59.16 662.8433 Andreas Snobl Production- - NOR U Råde Pistollag
59 58.71 657.7671 Terje Ødegården Standard- - NOR U magnum82 HPS
60 58.56 656.1529 Kristian Edvardsen Production- - NOR U krised RPK
61 57.82 647.7550 Bjørn Honningdal-Bruun Production- - NOR U bhb RPK
62 56.80 636.4177 Stian Arnesen Production- - NOR U mikealot SPK
63 56.49 632.8990 Per Jakobsen Open- - NOR U blamit RPK
64 56.15 629.0969 Kim Andre Borgeteien Production- - NOR U whizc SSL
65 56.05 627.9673 Thomas Johnsrud Production- - NOR U pewtjpew VSS
66 55.71 624.1333 Andreas Kjøniksen Production- - NOR U kjoand MPK
67 55.36 620.2527 Tone Østreng Tsigakis Standard+ L NOR U elektra KSS
68 55.25 618.9704 Kjetil Bergflødt Production- - NOR B duramaxer NOP
69 53.97 604.6785 Eric Hjelseth Production- - NOR U navea NOP
70 53.94 604.3841 Frank Ure Standard- - NOR U ure LOP
71 53.79 602.6964 Tony Raffelsen Production- - NOR U LOP
72 53.43 598.5893 Amund Berger Production- - NOR U ambex Ringerike Pistolklubb
73 53.22 596.2180 André Holt Production- - NOR U MPK
74 52.80 591.5830 Jan-Øyvind Roa Open- - NOR U roan RPK
75 52.20 584.8071 Per Vangsnes Production- SS NOR U perv SSL
76 52.09 583.6136 Steinar Gulichsen Production- - NOR U sgulichsen Råde Pistollag
77 52.01 582.6998 Jørn Aasland Classic- - NOR B jornaa OKTS
78 51.85 580.9735 Per Ola Jansberg Production- - NOR U gibbs LOP
79 51.45 576.3851 Bjørn Erik Mathiesen Production- - NOR U duckpd NOP
80 51.10 572.5534 Geir Kaspersen Production- - NOR U kasper Ringerike Pistolklubb
81 50.19 562.3627 Richard Aaserud Production- - NOR U Ringerike Pistolklubb
82 49.98 560.0228 Kjell-Harry Edvardsen Production- - NOR U harry66 RPK
83 49.55 555.2039 Anders Gunbjornsen Classic- SS NOR D andiz RPK
84 49.15 550.6461 Arvid Svarstad Production- - NOR U SPK
85 48.97 548.6019 Jan Roger Langseth Monsrud Production- - NOR U jansolo KPK
86 48.95 548.4514 Jonathan Kennedy Standard+ - NOR D kellen RPK
87 47.46 531.7707 Svein Rusten Production- S NOR C Kongsvinger Pistol Klubb
88 47.46 531.7599 Ole Morten Røed Production- - NOR U ole MPK
89 46.93 525.7932 Kristoffer Sundet Production- - NOR U kriz Rådepistollag
90 46.11 516.5667 Nils Oddvar Midtun Production- - NOR U sunr15e RPK
91 45.96 514.8830 Maurice Whiting Production- SS NOR D jim RPK
92 44.23 495.4963 Anders Christiansen Open+ - NOR U mossac MPK
93 43.44 486.6793 Lars Olavesen Classic- - NOR C oldleo SPK
94 42.82 479.7280 Tage Martinsen Production- - NOR U sealcat1911 LOP
95 42.57 476.9689 Tommy Sollyst Production- - NOR U Hps
96 42.40 475.0378 Robert Rønningen Production- - NOR U ronir HPS
97 41.54 465.3737 Carl Alfred Bakker Production- - NOR U Råde Pistollag
98 41.31 462.8424 Alexander Bull Open+ - NOR U hagaric OKTS
99 41.28 462.5502 Alexander Malerbakken Standard- - NOR U koop ASK
100 40.71 456.1548 Thor Einar Frislie Production- - NOR U HPS
101 40.36 452.1853 Kian Spongsveen Production- - NOR U kian OKTS
102 40.09 449.1609 Einar Bakke Production- - NOR U docb OKTS
103 39.65 444.2723 Pål Andrè Olsen Production- - NOR U SPK
104 39.52 442.7571 Nils Petter Lyngstad Production- - NOR U charliemike RPK
105 39.33 440.6482 Ole-Martin Kristoffersen Production- - NOR U chillywilly Farris Sportsskyttere
106 37.80 423.5043 Odd Magne Skansgård Classic- - NOR U Lågen Sportsskyttere
107 34.24 383.5962 Vegar Leifseth Ulsom Production- - NOR U HPS
108 24.15 270.5351 Trond Larsen Production- - NOR U MPK
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