results for P4 Dynamiska Skyttar Klubbmatch

Open Standard Production Classic Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 354.2444 Johan Modigh Production- - SWE U jj84 P4 DS
2 78.60 278.4463 Gustav Arvidsson Production- - SWE U rogi P4 DS
3 63.55 225.1103 Martin Nilsson Production- - SWE U nilma P4 DS
4 37.45 132.6687 Gerry Strandberg Production- S SWE U gerry66 P4 DS
5 31.62 111.9952 Tobias Degerfeldt Production- - SWE U P4 DS
6 29.75 105.3726 Johan Hylander Production- - SWE U P4 DS
7 27.98 99.1157 Martin Sellberg Production- - SWE U martin308win P4 DS
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