First name
Last name
1 100.00 655.1085 Faj Tran Open+ - SWE U fajsan KULLEN IPSC
2 83.29 545.6591 Magnus Johansson Production- - SWE U sigsauer Växjö PK
3 82.90 543.0735 Kristian Bartholin Open+ - DNK U bartholin Ssin
4 78.93 517.0764 Peter Kastell Standard+ - SWE U kastell Torups Pistolklubb
5 76.27 499.6830 Pär Hylander Standard- - SWE U hylander LaholmsPSK
6 75.86 496.9642 Lars Hagemann Production- S DNK GM hagemann Nordic shooting Academy
7 75.19 492.6040 Henrik Lerfeldt Open+ S DNK M bookkeeper SSIN
8 75.13 492.1813 Mikael Jung Standard+ - SWE U jung Växjö PK
9 75.11 492.0487 Daniel Denwood Standard+ - SWE U doubledelta Kullens PK
10 74.52 488.1875 Tobias Henriksson Open+ - SWE U monthe Växjö PK
11 71.42 467.8745 Flemming NotKnown Open+ S DNK U ssin
12 71.31 467.1602 Selcuk Kahraman Production- - DNK U selo cps
13 69.78 457.1119 Peter Olsen Mertz Production- - DNK U bippe DSF-kbh CPS
14 67.44 441.8179 Andreas Karlsson Standard+ - SWE U badass40 Nybro
15 66.69 436.8736 Claus Stahnke Open+ S DNK U bengunn SSIN
16 66.26 434.0723 Jan Bodé Standard- S DNK U jan63 SSIN
17 66.11 433.0982 Carl Schultze Production- - SWE U schultze MSG
18 66.04 432.6023 Aleksandar Duracov Open+ - DNK U SSIN
19 65.06 426.2414 Joakim Classon Production Optics- S SWE U glockproduction Kristianstads PK
20 65.05 426.1601 Erik Sandell Standard- S SWE C sandell Nybro PK
21 64.60 423.2139 Khaled Abdulkarim Open+ - DNK U SSIN, BVS, KS
22 64.16 420.3276 Anders Urban Production- - DNK U urbanlegend SAS
23 63.56 416.3681 Kim Brink Open+ - SWE U brink Kullens pk
24 62.56 409.8045 Magnus Lindskog Production- - SWE U messer MSG
25 62.34 408.4001 Jonas Ardemalm Production- - SWE U ard KullensPK
26 62.17 407.2839 Rasmus Saxild Standard- - DNK U xfire CPS
27 61.80 404.8404 Peter Ardemalm Standard+ - SWE U snakeeye KullensPK
28 61.69 404.1327 Nicola Lo Presti Standard+ - SWE U nixi MSG
29 61.60 403.5509 Roger Wysiecki Standard+ - SWE U majtii MSG
30 60.70 397.6401 Kristian Söderström Production- S SWE U macmyran LaholmsPSK
31 60.68 397.5168 Klas Ekegren Production- - SWE U oaken LaholmsPSK
32 60.15 394.0267 Andreas Kraling Production- - SWE U glock999 MSG
33 59.96 392.8139 Søren Larsen Production- S DNK U wessel SSIN
34 59.86 392.1780 Jacob Larsen Classic- - DNK U mech SSIN
35 59.79 391.6664 Magnus Söderlind Standard- - SWE U manne Växjö PK
36 59.59 390.4002 Johannes Lantz Production- - SWE U motorman YDSKF
37 59.55 390.0956 Boris Nilsson Production- S SWE U mazer MSG
38 59.33 388.6472 Andreas Helvig Hansen Standard- - DNK U SSIN
39 59.29 388.3947 Joakim Bossner Standard+ - SWE U bossner Kullens PK
40 58.82 385.3056 Jan Guldbrandsen Open+ S DNK U SSIN
41 58.47 383.0435 Gert Erling Hansen Classic+ SS DNK A bossman Nyk.sj. SSIN
42 58.14 380.9044 Magnus Pihlqvist Production- - SWE U pilen Nybro
43 57.65 377.6835 Roger Tiensuu Standard- S SWE C rogert Växjö Pk
44 56.77 371.9054 Heidi Boline Open+ L DNK U boline SSIN
45 56.65 371.1314 Martin Håkansson Classic+ - SWE A hakansson LaholmsPSK
46 56.62 370.9010 Måns Karlsson Production- - SWE U karlsson LaholmsPSK
47 56.39 369.4239 Örjan Lindgren Open- - SWE U banarne357 MSG
48 56.20 368.1706 Dennis Martlev Production- S DNK U smartlev Copenhagen Practical Shooters
49 55.30 362.2668 Frederic Nilsson Production- - SWE U scorpan MSG
50 53.96 353.4835 Roberth Friberg Production- - SWE U fribbe Kullens Pk
51 53.27 348.9458 Jerry Pettersson Production- - SWE U laerkkan Växjö PK
52 52.72 345.3545 Patrik Carlsson Production- - SWE U modestyblaise MSG
53 52.25 342.2962 Toni Kaic Open+ - SWE U kaic LaholmsPSK
54 52.16 341.7127 Dorothea Denwood Production- L SWE U dorothea Kullens PK
55 52.00 340.6495 Runi Skoubjerg Andersen Standard- - DNK U kennakenna DSF-Kbh /SAS
56 51.80 339.3335 Henrik H Production- - SWE U houke MSG
57 51.63 338.2047 Mats Salomonsson Revolver- - SWE U matsihagen Växjö PK
58 51.48 337.2483 Martin Sundgren Production- - SWE U sundgren LaholmsPSK
59 51.36 336.4726 Robert Svensson Production- - SWE U MSG
60 51.32 336.2162 Jakob Thorsteinsson Standard- - SWE U lothbrok Kullens PK
61 51.30 336.0815 Anders Zander Classic- - SWE U masterwelder Kullens PK
62 51.16 335.1841 Tomas Svalö Classic- - SWE U tomme Kullens pk
63 50.73 332.3105 Jonnie Nilsson Production Optics- - SWE U nilsson YDSKF
64 50.70 332.1602 Otto Persson Production- - SWE U oper MSG
65 50.56 331.2299 Jesper Dahlskog Standard- - SWE U dahlskog MSG
66 50.44 330.4629 Michel Zohar Production- - DNK U zohard DSF-Kbh/ ASF
67 50.44 330.4114 Arni Kjartansson Production- - DNK U Copenhagen Practical Shooters
68 49.89 326.8236 Daniel Hansson Standard- - SWE U MSG
69 49.54 324.5256 Izabela Duracova Open- J DNK U SSIN
70 49.42 323.7422 Jesper Håkansson Standard- - SWE U jpha Kristianstads PK
71 49.08 321.5498 Weine Samuelsson Open+ SS SWE U wesa LSC
72 48.96 320.7166 Kent Holm Standard- S DNK U kent1 SSIN
73 48.72 319.1918 Lars Jönsson Open- SS SWE U znake Kristianstads PK
74 48.50 317.7032 Matti Puhakka Production- - SWE U gpg Sätila PSK
75 48.21 315.8437 Orjan Magnusson Production- SS SWE U saccinappi YDSKF
76 47.89 313.7539 Mikael Floberg Production- - SWE U mickeys Kullens PK
77 47.76 312.9041 Greger Kontojoki Standard- - SWE U MSG
78 47.59 311.7430 Kristoffer Hall Production- - SWE U misterpresident LaholmsPSK
79 47.45 310.8215 Alexander Perlman Production- - SWE U slutbossen Kullens PK
80 47.44 310.7838 Joakim Svensson Production- - SWE U gadgeten Kristianstads PK
81 47.29 309.7984 Daniel Klöfverskjöld Production- - SWE U MSG
82 47.27 309.6512 Gert Nielsen Standard- - SWE D genie KullensPK
83 46.10 301.9910 Steen Pico Nielsen Revolver- SS DNK U pico SSIN
84 45.95 301.0011 Bo Jansson Production Optics- S SWE U boaw Kullens PK
85 45.93 300.8986 Jørgen Tang Nielsen Production- - DNK U SSIN
86 45.77 299.8323 Bertil Nilsson Production- S SWE U grinchen MSG
87 45.48 297.9688 Petter Naef Production- - SWE U MSG
88 44.84 293.7480 Christopher Arehög Production- - SWE U are Kullens PK
89 44.84 293.7455 Thette Holmberg Standard- L SWE U misspurple Kristianstads PK
90 44.71 292.8801 Thomas Hjelm Classic- S SWE U ipscnooben Torups Pistolklubb
91 44.44 291.1104 Eddie Karlsson Revolver+ - SWE U silverjoker MSG
92 44.34 290.4456 Jørgen Rigtrup Revolver- S DNK U rigtrup Copenhagen Practical Shooters
93 44.26 289.9480 Filip Mårtensson Production- - SWE U fippe YDSKF
94 44.07 288.6804 Albin Hylander Production- J SWE U hylanderjunior LaholmsPSK
95 44.05 288.5635 Bengt Petersson Production- S SWE U bengan KPIF
96 43.59 285.5536 Thomas Möllerberg Standard- - SWE U 1familyman Kristianstads PK
97 43.48 284.8270 Hänry Bengtsson Production Optics- - SWE U hanry1536 Jönköpings PK
98 43.04 281.9895 Fredrik Jönsson Production- - SWE U MSG
99 42.99 281.6590 Jacob Henriksson Production- - SWE U h2o YDSKF
100 42.99 281.6366 Dan Berglund Production- - SWE U danvonberg Kullens PK
101 42.91 281.1186 Bassel Afara Standard- - SWE U bassel KullensPK
102 42.88 280.9233 Carl-Martin Larsson Production- - SWE U carl MSG
103 42.82 280.5161 Ole Victor Production- S SWE U oahv Nybro PK
104 42.11 275.8652 Madlene Ljungdahl Production- L SWE U maddefia MSG
105 41.90 274.4850 Kristina Nilsson Production- L SWE U slowfox MSG
106 41.81 273.9125 Robbin Häggmark Production- - SWE U Sätila PSK
107 41.33 270.7240 Kristina Agerbæk Production- L DNK U SSIN
108 41.30 270.5538 Kim Sundling Production- - SWE U iskall Österlens PK
109 41.29 270.4957 Jan Bolvig Andersen Standard- S DNK C pinkerton Copenhagen Practical Shooters
110 41.17 269.6850 Daniel Härelind Production- - SWE U backbreaker Jönköpings PK
111 41.11 269.3309 Stefan Kruse Production- - SWE U Ronneby psk
112 40.53 265.5460 Morten Jörgensen Standard- - SWE U netromj LaholmsPSK
113 40.51 265.3937 Emil Sundgren Production- J SWE U sundgren2 LaholmsPSK
114 40.45 264.9788 Jessica Karlsson Standard- L SWE U baghera Nybro
115 40.18 263.2233 Anders Bengtsson Production Optics- - SWE U abe75 Jönköpings PK
116 40.05 262.3410 Fredrik Lantz Production- - SWE U MSG
117 39.77 260.5210 ola malmqvist Production- - SWE U Msg
118 39.76 260.4919 Jacob Lind Production- - SWE U Sätila PSK
119 39.65 259.7577 kim Frederiksen Production- SS DNK U CPS & HSI
120 38.78 254.0769 Henrik Turkál Production- S SWE U tibbe IPSC Kullen
121 37.89 248.2324 Thomas Persson Classic- - SWE U pezon Jönköpings PK
122 37.49 245.5771 Fredrik Tufvesson Standard- - SWE U fredrikt ÖPK
123 37.02 242.5294 Christoffer Wingårdh Production- - SWE U Kullens PK
124 36.67 240.2249 Tobias Bergkvist Standard- - SWE U lillomeister VÄXJÖ PK
125 36.50 239.1035 Martin Smedå Production- - SWE U MSG
126 35.62 233.3184 Mattias Lindén Production- - SWE U saittam Kristianstads PK
127 34.04 222.9839 Fredrik Svensson Production- - SWE U didde MSG
128 33.93 222.3097 Peter Saltvik Standard- - SWE U peppe Sätila PSK
129 33.89 222.0439 Lorenz Neumann Production Optics- S SWE U lollo LaholmsPSK
130 33.15 217.1557 Thomas Nygren Production- S SWE U gutta1 LaholmsPSK
131 32.87 215.3051 Martin Grengby Standard- - SWE U mg1 Kristianstads PK
132 32.75 214.5267 Per Telg Revolver- - SWE U ipscper Kullens PK
133 32.45 212.5604 Martin Arildsson Production- - SWE U Kristianstad PK
134 32.30 211.5899 Hans Jorgen Jensen Standard- SS DNK U hjj39 ssin
135 32.20 210.9465 Jörgen Karlsson Standard- - SWE U Sätila PSK
136 31.68 207.5505 Anders Arvidsson Standard+ - SWE U stangman MSG
137 31.15 204.0955 Susan Liu Production- - SWE U MSG
138 30.91 202.4932 Erika Härnström Revolver- L SWE U revolvergurl Jönköpings PK
139 30.81 201.8668 Richard K Production- - SWE U MSG
140 30.44 199.3938 Johan Bäcklund Standard- - SWE U Sätila psk
141 30.17 197.6264 Jens Forsberg Production- - SWE U jensa Kpif
142 29.58 193.7873 Peter Claesson Production- - SWE U pc65 LaholmsPSK
143 29.52 193.3722 Max Karlsson Standard- J SWE U maxhunter365 Nybro PK
144 28.37 185.8860 Martin Johansson Production- - SWE U Malmö Skyttegille
145 27.40 179.4885 Per Bandenius Standard- - SWE U Sätila PSK
146 27.38 179.3640 Anders Björk Standard- - SWE U Sätila Pistolskytteklubb
147 26.82 175.7178 Mattias Nilsson Classic- - SWE U evilprincejohn LaholmsPSK
148 26.39 172.8584 Mikael Olsson Open- - SWE U ullsann MSG
149 25.70 168.3739 Irene Jönsson Standard- L SWE U dorran Kristianstads PK
150 25.17 164.8776 Malin Berglund Production- L SWE U majamalin Kullens PK
151 24.69 161.7519 Jimmy Engström Standard+ - SWE U sonofagun LaholmsPSK
152 23.84 156.1489 Marcus Vargklippa Standard- - SWE U rockwolf Lunds PK
153 23.00 150.6735 Johan Wendel Production- - SWE U Sätila PSK
154 22.47 147.1868 Karolina Floberg Production- L SWE U karroj78 Kullen PK
155 21.49 140.7856 Susan Karmefjord Production- L SWE U suzyk Kullens PK
156 21.21 138.9666 Örjan Tollbom Standard+ SS SWE U oldiebutgoldie ESKF
157 20.90 136.8988 Demi Denwood Production- J SWE U demi Kullens PK
158 19.38 126.9795 Angelica Sanchez Production- L SWE U LaholmsPSK
159 18.41 120.6222 Tobias Nilsson Standard- - SWE U Rpsk
160 11.48 75.2124 Helena Marinovic Classic+ - SWE U revolvermom LaholmsPSK
161 1.29 8.4235 Marie Mattiasson Production- L SWE U Nybro
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