COMBINED Final team results for BIG 3 Tag Team Mania

results return
1. 100.0000 527.5445 16. McFlurry O`boy Open - - -
2. 98.0600 517.2899 20. The oldies Open - - -
3. 94.6500 499.3275 2. Thunder Rats Production - - -
4. 92.6300 488.6643 14. Haters Standard - - -
5. 91.4800 482.6059 18. A-Team Open - - -
6. 85.7200 452.2310 17. Platerack-Killers Standard - - -
7. 79.8900 421.4391 1. Los DSS Gringos Standard - - -
8. 79.7700 420.8433 5. Team Of Champions Production - - -
9. 77.0800 406.6074 6. Grumpy Fast Old Officers Production - - -
10. 76.6800 404.5165 15. Det var da faen til mas da! Production - - -
11. 75.4800 398.1713 7. Alpha Hunters Production - - -
12. 67.7500 357.4096 3. The Bushwhackers Production - - -
13. 67.5300 356.2397 8. EDB Production - - -
14. 66.6700 351.7304 11. Slow Mikes Production - - -
15. 63.2500 333.6961 9. Geriatric Revenge! Production - - -
16. 62.8700 331.6741 4. Fast Dusin Mikes Open - - -
17. 62.0900 327.5406 21. Fiasko? Production Optics - - -
18. 61.1400 322.5188 12. Vaffelbrigaden Classic - - -
19. 58.0700 306.3676 23. Three Mikes Production - - -
20. 55.6500 293.5543 22. No Hit Wonders Standard NOR - -
21. 52.5200 277.0712 26. Salsa Latina Production - - -
22. 52.0300 274.4832 13. The Griffins Standard - - -
23. 47.3400 249.7359 25. Newton`s First Standard - - -
24. 46.0400 242.8604 24. Valkyries' Riot Standard - L -
25. 43.2800 228.3459 27. The Bad Winterbridge Production - - -
26. 0.0000 0.0000 10. Hit & Run Production - - -

A team will have max 3 team members, the team result will be base on the best 1 team member results.

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