results for Midt-Norsk Vintercup 6. 2018/2019

Standard Production Classic Production Optics Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 317.2237 Gunnar Rolfseng Production- - NOR U gunrol TDS
2 96.81 307.1122 Edvin Sæbø Production- - NOR U eddoo TFS
3 95.80 303.8852 Trond Sørhøy Production- - NOR U tronds TDS
4 90.25 286.2790 Christopher Skrondal Engan Production- S NOR U TFS
5 78.27 248.2857 Zoran Marjanovic Production- - NOR U zormar TFS
6 75.44 239.2979 Frode Steinnes Production- - NOR U froste TDS
7 59.15 187.6504 Stig Arne Haugen Production- - NOR U TFS
8 51.14 162.2359 john Marius Haldoslette Production- - NOR U TFS
9 47.03 149.1991 Antanas Jakstas Production- - NOR U Trondheim Feltskyttere
10 30.20 95.8109 Jo Anders Solli Production- - NOR U TFS
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