JPK Rikscup Magnumprecision MARS - results

M8 (.38-45) M7 (6.5" Mag) M5 (Revolver/Pistol) M4 (.357 DA) M22 (.22 LR) M2 (.41-.44 DA) M6 (Pistol) results return
# Points First name Last name String points Club Firearm
1 300 Pierre Löfquist 50 50 50 50 50 50 Hallsberg PK M5 (Revolver/Pistol) -
2 282 Jörgen Eriksson 48 46 48 46 45 49 Sundsvalls PK M5 (Revolver/Pistol) -
3 280 Örjan Eriksson 48 47 46 44 48 47 ÅngePK M5 (Revolver/Pistol) -
4 275 Johan Olsson 45 46 46 47 45 46 Vedums Psk M5 (Revolver/Pistol) -
5 261 Lars Andersson 46 41 42 41 46 45 Vedums Psk M5 (Revolver/Pistol) -

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